Weblinks: Semantic Web - Technology


Links in this category

Link - A Web of Rules

Related Subjects:

Update Oct 29 2008

Interesting article about "A Wen of Rules" from 2003.

Also some Benjamin Grosof links from 2005.

Links - Semantic Web Services

Revised Feb 23 2009: will get more attention in coming months

A year ago, the subject of Semantic Web Services might have been considered visionary. In fact, several of the early corporate efforts were canceled or abandoned ( such as Microsoft's GoDotNet ). At best, the technolgy has been static.

But that is not the case today. Several popular web development tools and packages ( such as the Drupal Services project ) are making the vision a concrete reality.

Links to Technology Subjects

Most of the content about technical aspects of Information Technology is on the Development site, including information about specific business-rule products, rule engine design, computer languages, etc. Follow one of the the links listed below for more technically oriented content.

Links- Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web

Updated Oct 3 2008:

The representation of knowledge in general, particularly as it applies to the SemWeb.

From the KR.org site:

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated (KR, Inc.) is a Scientific Foundation incorporated in the state of Massachusetts of the United States of America concerned with fostering research and communication on knowledge representation and reasoning.