PHP Frameworks

Links - PHP MVC Frameworks

Oct 8 2009: Are MVC frameworks worth the performance hit and hassle ? See Damn Small PHP Frameworks. Because size does matter. Make sure to read comments too.

Feb 10 2009: added PHPulse

Good list of PHP frameworks. Are they all MVC ?

Links - CakePHP Content Management Systems

Update Jan 24 2009: The new PageBakery repository is showing some activity !
Update Dec 4 2008: Mambo 5 movements
Update Sept 19 2008: Wildflower impressions and links

Doing the Mambo

The latest movements in the Mambo 5 project ( Nov 25th 2008 ) -

Links - CodeIgniter

Updated Oct 29 2008: added 68KB, now BSD

I am not sure why it took me this long to get around to CodeIgniter ... it's a worthy and mature PHP framework but I gravitated to CakePHP for some reason. Maybe it's the CodeIgniter licensing of EllisLab, Inc..

Links - CakePHP

Updated Sept 28 2008: fixups and links

From the CakePHP project site at

Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.

Links - Web Portals

Not much yet.

The Java marketing machine has worked assiduously to associate the concept of a portal with the Java language, but there is no real dependency between the function of a portal and its implementation language. See the section for CakePHP CMS.

Some interesting questions and comments about portals.


Link - Learning from the CakePHP source code

Excellent discussion of CakePHP core classes, particularly the Dispatcher class.

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