Links - CodeIgniter

Updated Oct 29 2008: added 68KB, now BSD

I am not sure why it took me this long to get around to CodeIgniter ... it's a worthy and mature PHP framework but I gravitated to CakePHP for some reason. Maybe it's the CodeIgniter licensing of EllisLab, Inc..

CodeIgniter is reputed to be faster than CakePHP and that seems to be true in my experience, but some of the performance benchmarks floating around the web are not terribly sophisticated. Performance is a complex topic and many a cautionary tale is told by its practitioners.

An example is Cake vs. CodeIgniter vs. Kohana ( and benchmark update ). From the benchmark report ( emphasis added ):

For this test I used a small static ‘hello world’ page, no dynamic elements other than framework internals. I chose not to use frameworks’ built in caching engines, since using them may actually be more expensive (than not using them) for caching static pages.

How does serving static pages demonstrate the capabilities of an application for dynamic content generation ? Should we also measure how long it took to develop the benchmarking application so we can get an idea of the benefit ( shorter development time ) associated with the cost ( longer run time ) ?

More on the subject of PHP/MVC framework performance from a recent speech by Rasmus Lerdorf - PHP Frameworks? Think Again.