
Link - jQuery

From the jQuery site: "jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages".

jQuery is also the base Javascript library in Drupal.

Also see the Weblink to PQuery.

About "The Project"

What I refer to as 'The Project' is one of those life challenging mega-projects that a barrel full of Bill Breitmayers couldn't complete in 20 years. But, it's a start ...


Link - Learning from the CakePHP source code

Excellent discussion of CakePHP core classes, particularly the Dispatcher class.

Link - Intellidimension

Updated Oct 3 2008:

Libraries and a toolkit for developing semantic web applications using MicroSoft .NET technology. Not open source of course, but their developer documentation in interesting.