Author Archive

The Siren Song of Artificial ( Human ? ) Intelligence

Artificial intelligence mongering/bashing is a popular ( and profitable ) activity for a small sub industry of academic proponents/opponents. The debaters either challenge preconceptions about the universality of human intelligence or else carve out new territories for the uniqueness of human intelligence in the universe – take your pick which one. Sometimes [...]

Qualitative Modeling at CSIRO

From the CSIRO web site:
CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, is Australia’s national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world.
They use some interesting Qualitative modeling techniques to predict the impact of ecological changes on biological systems.
In Qualitative Modelling and Bayesian Belief Networks ( big PDF, [...]

Complexity & Artificial Life Research Concept

From the site:
CALResCo was set up in 1996 to fulfil a perceived need on the Internet to integrate the information about Complex Systems, in all its various guises, and present it in a way useful to both beginners and those already familiar with one or more of the fields.
A very complete set of definitions on [...]

A Seriously Eclectic Bookmark Page

Jeff Thompson’s bookmark page shows a taste for the bizarre. AI isn’t the half of it – he’s even got Charles Peirce in there.
He is also the author of Yield Prolog, which has an implementation for Javascript.