Home - Conceptual Frameworks http://billbreitmayer.com/home/taxonomy/term/36/all Often called "analytic frameworks", versus technically oriented application development frameworks. en The E-Z Framework http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/43 <p><!--StartFragment --> The Zachman Framework is both powerful and flexible. There are several extensions and variations of the Zachman Framework available in the marketplace. In fact, it can be used as a form of &#39;meta-model&#39; to map the features of two models. </p> <p><a href="http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/43">read more</a></p> Conceptual Frameworks Tue, 13 Mar 2007 18:16:14 -0600 billb 43 at http://billbreitmayer.com/home Zachman Framework http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/41 <h4><!--StartFragment -->Six Categories of Questions <!--StartFragment --> </h4> <p>Journalism majors know the drill by heart. The First Law of Journalistic Excellence, the 5 &quot;Ws&quot; of Reporting ( and an &quot;H&quot; throw in just to make life difficult for journalism students ). The Law states: every journalistic oeuvre must answer these eternal questions - who, what, when, where, why and how. That&#39;s a fine principle for overworked journalism students, but what about the rest of us, for example they who toil tirelessly in the murky mines of Infotechnology.</p> <p><a href="http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/41">read more</a></p> Conceptual Frameworks Tue, 13 Mar 2007 17:57:18 -0600 billb 41 at http://billbreitmayer.com/home Qualitative or Commonsense Reasoning http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/39 <p>During the late 1980s, a group of academics investigating models of physical systems developed a set of guiding principles to help them perform simulations. The purpose was to perform an amazing and unprecedented feat of computation - predicting that water spilled on the top of a table would eventually drip on the floor.</p> <p><a href="http://billbreitmayer.com/home/node/39">read more</a></p> Conceptual Frameworks Tue, 13 Mar 2007 17:50:42 -0600 billb 39 at http://billbreitmayer.com/home