Development aggregator Development - aggregated feeds en Squeak Weekly: Etoys 4 released <div class='snap_preview'><br /><p>Following his <a href="">announcement of the release candidate</a> last month, Timothy Falconer of Squeakland has now announced the full release of Etoys 4, which you can now <a href="">download from their website</a>.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sat, 31 Oct 2009 06:46:35 -0600 Drupal Community: Drupal 7 code freeze: status update and next steps <p>It was a close race to the finish -- or rather the beginning -- of the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Drupal 7 code freeze</a> process a couple of weeks ago. Now that we're in the middle of the code freeze, I wanted to update everyone on the current status of the freeze, and provide some guidance about where we go from here.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:35:28 -0600 Drupal Community: Do It With Drupal 2009 <p><a href=""><img src="" width="240" height="214" style="float:right;margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:5px;" /></a>Lullabot is pleased to announce the second annual <a href="">Do It With Drupal Seminar</a>. This 3-day event is focused on the configuration, architecture, and processes behind building successful Drupal websites and communities.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mon, 26 Oct 2009 10:08:40 -0600 Drupal Community: GoTwitr - Twitter Automation Site Built with Drupal <p><a href=""><img src="" align="right" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" /></a> Whether it's for pleasure or business, or both, Twitter automation is a must for anyone who wants to use Twitter effectively. <a href="">GoTwitr</a> is a new site whose primary goal is to make it easy for people to grow and manage their Twitter communities. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Thu, 22 Oct 2009 08:54:12 -0600 Drupal Community: New Book! Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization <p><img src="" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right" alt="Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization" /><a href = ";utm_medium=spons&amp;utm_content=pod&amp;utm_campaign=mdb_000894">Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization</a> is a new Drupal book authored by Ben Finklea and published by Packt Publishing.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Tue, 20 Oct 2009 18:20:04 -0600 Squeak Weekly: Smalltalk Party in Paris <div class='snap_preview'><br /><p>Noury Bouraqadi wrote to the <a href="">squeak-dev mailing list</a> with news that French Smalltalk users are holding their eighth annual SmalltalkParty in Paris on Saturday 28th November 2009.</p> <p>The empahsis is on short presentations, so there promises to be plenty of interesting presentations. Items already planned for discussion include:</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sat, 17 Oct 2009 04:25:58 -0600 Drupal Community: Support Drupal by Voting in Packt Publishing's Open Source CMS Award Competition <p><a href=""><img src="" boerder="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" alt="2009 Open Source CMS Award" /></a>Packt Publishing, the company behind many well-known Drupal books, holds an annual <a href="">Open Source CMS Award</a> that recognizes open source content management platforms and their communities. In addition to bragging rights, winners also receive financial support for their projects in the form of cash prizes.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Thu, 15 Oct 2009 13:16:38 -0600 Drupal Community: Trócaire: Working for a Just World <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="" align="right" hspace="5" vspace="5" alt="Trócaire home page" /></a></p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Thu, 15 Oct 2009 06:53:02 -0600 Development Feed: Links - PHP Content Management Systems <p><em>Oct 14 2009: What&#39;s going on ! Yet another good small CMS emerges from the pack. Added phpSQLiteCMS.</em><br /><em>Oct 10 2009: added Zikula CMS framework.</em><br /><em>Oct 9 2009: added XMLNuke, XML CMS framework.</em><br /><em>Oct 4 2009: discovered gpEasy CMS. </em></p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Wed, 14 Oct 2009 04:47:14 -0600 Drupal Community: Install Profiles Packing on - Funding obtained, feedback welcome <p>Since the <a href="">5.0</a> release, Drupal core has included an installer that supports installation profiles to setup and configure a site for a certain use-case. In theory this allows for people to create a better "out of the box" solution by configuring Drupal like a <a href="">wiki</a>, a <a href="">conference</a>, or a <a href="">publishing site</a>.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Fri, 09 Oct 2009 08:03:51 -0600 Home Feed: Links - Business Rules Management <p><em>Oct 8 2009: I&#39;ve neglected the subject but there seems to be growing interest in business rules management.</em></p> <p><a href="">James Taylor</a> wrote an short article about business rule management ( BRM ) a few days ago, <a href="">Business Rules Management – the misunderstood partner to process.</a></p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Thu, 08 Oct 2009 15:18:42 -0600 Squeak Weekly: SqueakDBX news <div class='snap_preview'><br /><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-509" title="logo-opendbx" src=";h=75" alt="logo-opendbx" width="120" height="75" /></p> <p>The SqueakDBX team have been very busy recently working on their <a href="">OpenDBX</a> plugin which allows Squeak users to perform relational database operations (including DDL and DML as well as SQL) through an open source library.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Wed, 07 Oct 2009 15:04:59 -0600 Drupal Community: TckTckTck <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="" align="right" hspace="5" vspace="5" /></a></p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Wed, 07 Oct 2009 12:21:47 -0600 Drupal Community: Cracking Drupal - Drupal Security book, talks, and review service <p><a href=";;tag=drupal0a-20&amp;link"><img src="" alt="Cracking Drupal cover" style="float: right;margin: 5px" /></a> It's nearly 6 months since the release of <a href=";;tag=drupal0a-20&amp;link">Cracking Drupal</a>, which makes for a nice milestone to talk about the book and mention a few related developments.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Tue, 06 Oct 2009 11:02:10 -0600 Home Feed: Links - Software Patents <p><em>Oct 5 2009: <a href="">Red Hat Asks Supreme Court To Nix Software Patents</a>.  The range of comments is also interesting</em>.  </p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sun, 04 Oct 2009 18:17:52 -0600